HI! I’m Niki!

I'm a mama, wife, and am passionate about empowering women.
I love essential oils & minimizing toxins in our lives,  and am the founder of Simple Essentials

Get to know Niki

What is Simple Essentials? 

Simple Essentials came to be as a place to offer a SIMPLE place for learning all about Essential Oils and how to use them in our lives to help reduce our toxic burden. The world around us is filled with toxins… in the cleaners in the store, in the food that we eat and products that we use. I was a Mom who always chose to buy the ‘all natural’ and ‘healthy’ versions of products in my grocery store and assumed that if they were on the shelves, they were safe for me and my family. And then after I bought my starter kit, I learned about greenwashing, and that often what we think is healthy and safe, is not so much.


Learn about Overall Wellness

So much more than just Essential Oils, you will learn about how to support your body in many different ways.


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I always wondered why I got a horrible headache every time I cleaned the bathroom, and so instead of changing what I used, I simply opened the window. I used to go down the cleaning aisle, and sniff the different laundry soaps to see if I wanted Vanilla Breeze or Whispering Mountain as the scent of the week for my clothes. The stronger that smell, the ‘cleaner’ my clothes would be, or so I thought. And yet, recently I found a running shirt that I hadn’t worn in about 8 years, and it STILL smelled like laundry soap. What exactly IS in that stuff?!

Young Living came into my life, after a second miscarriage, and a shift in my career. After I bought my kit, I started learning about the dangers lurking in the products in the store, and that the term ‘fragrance’ is a blanket term for thousands of chemicals. Did you know that after 26 seconds, anything you put on your skin is in your bloodstream? We use so many products… from our shampoo and body wash, to lotions, makeup, perfumes, on our skin every day! So of course I wanted to find all of the best options for truly natural products that were plant based and wouldn’t harm my sweet family. Young Living fit the bill. I knew that I could trust the products that I got from Young Living because of our Seed to Seal promise. Essential oils, supplements, cleaners, and other essential oil infused products - all delivered straight to my door? Yes please!

After 7+ years of using Young Living - I still learn all of the time how I can positively impact my family’s life and the lives of others. This is why I created this site. To help empower others in a SIMPLE way as they learn to choose less toxins in their everyday lives, and how they can use these oils to create their own products too. It’s been an incredible journey filled with beautiful people, and I am just so glad that YOU are here too!

Xo, Niki

If you’d like to go ahead and get started you can click this link HERE, and then email me to let me know when you’ve completed your order. I’ll pop a lovely welcome gift in the mail to you!

Or, if you have any questions, email me HERE

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