HI! I’m Niki!

I’m a Mama and former elementary school teacher and professional photographer, who uses those skills now to educate about toxin-free living and to build community.

I left the classroom when my husband and I started a forestry company, and I had 3 little boys, within a span of 3 ½ years, over 20 years ago.

When I had my boys, I did whatever I could to make sure I was buying ‘natural’ options for our family in the grocery store. I looked for whatever I could find that was in the earthy coloured bottles that said they were 'all natural.' Little did I know that often, that was not the case! As Moms, we all try our best to do whatever we can to do the best for our kids and family. Feed them the most nutritious foods, wash their precious little bodies with what we see on TV and in the magazines, and that line the shelves. Why would we not? I trusted that anything and everything that was on the store shelves was safe for my precious boys and us.

Truth is, I didn’t know, what I didn’t know, until my oldest was 10.

After I bought my Young Living starter kit, I started learning about the dangers lurking on those grocery store shelves.



I started learning about how the toxins in the products we use, build up in our bodies. How the word ‘fragrance’ is a blanket term for thousands of chemicals. That anything I put on my skin is in my bloodstream, after only 26 seconds!

And that made me angry.

Daily we use so many products… from our shampoo and body wash, to lotions, makeup, and all the cleaning products we use that are on our skin every day. So of course I wanted to find all of the best options for truly natural products that were plant based and wouldn’t harm my sweet family.

I started this journey for my family, and now love to empower others to learn how to use Essential Oils and and other natural products to keep their families safe.
We don’t know, what we don’t know.


Other things about me... I love and believe in people and love watching them achieve their goals, in all areas of life. Sunrise and working out outdoors make me happy, and spending quiet time at the beach with a cup of tea is my favourite... even if it's just 10 minutes. I'm a feeler, and love deeply, and have been told that there’s nothing like a Niki hug. We live on an acreage and driving around in my Jeep with the top off, and the music loud brings me so much joy. I love all kinds of music and dancing around my house when I'm cleaning. I’m a creative soul at heart and find complete joy in seeing other people thrive.

I can’t wait to meet you!

Xo, Niki

Grab a copy of my newest helpful pdf...

Using essential oils for emotional support!