Creating Habits that Stick
Jan 18, 2023At the beginning of every year, people start the year with new goals, new resolutions and big plans to 'change themselves' by going to the gym or starting some new fitness or other routine. I've done it. For years!! These are often gone within the first couple of weeks, and we feel like we've "failed" (which is not truth!)
Recently I completed 75 hard. I started it in early October and finished it just before Christmas. If you haven't heard of it before, the guidelines are that you do 2- 45 minute workouts every day, one must be outside. Read 10 pages of nonfiction every day, drink a gallon of water, take a progress photo, follow a diet, with no cheat meals or alcohol for 75 days. You can read more about it at
My biggest takeaway from 75 hard was that I can make, and keep promises to myself. I can trust, that when I say I'm going to show up for myself, I do. That was huge.
After I finished it a dear friend asked me any tips that I would share for completing a 75 day challenge. I'd love to share them all here for you as well! Setting yourself up for success is key in life, and keeping things as SIMPLE as possible. This is no exception to that rule. Here's my top tips.
1. Do your first workout early in the day if you can.
Plan out your schedule, so that you make sure you aren't trying to fit it in a 11:15pm (I had to do that more than a few times...). Set yourself up for success. If you want to workout earlier, put your clothes out, so that you see them first thing.
2. Take your photo early.
If you're doing a challenge with a photo a day, take it early in the day, wearing something similar. I wore a sports bra and tights for every photo. It helps to be able to compare later in the challenge. And, when you get up early and put on your workout gear to take your photo, you are already ready to workout!
3. It's working.Even when it feels like it's not. Small changes add up over time. I didn't see any difference in my physical body for over a month. Write down how you feel each day. The 75 hard app was great for this because I could track what I was doing and note any emotions, or how I was feeling.
4. Listen to your body.
This is a challenge that will help you build good habits. So often we go out hard in the beginning and lose steam, or hurt ourselves because we are pushing too hard. 75 days, is a committment, and if you listen to your body, I promise you at the end, you will want to keep going. You will feel better, and crave that movement, and good food. If your body wants a hard workout... do that. If your body wants a long, 45 minute stretch session, do that! I promise it all adds up and will make you feel so proud that you listened to what your body was asking you.
5. Keep a snack in your pocket.
You are moving more, so your body will want fuel. More than one walk, I felt dizzy and faint, and needed a snack. I always carry a Larabar with me or some nuts now.
6. Be PROUD.
Be proud of every workout. Every glass of water. Every meal you prepare with love, and those that you grab quickly. Be proud of taking care of that beautiful body and mind of yours. Every time you are proud of you, you will make yourself even more proud the next day. Be proud of listening to your body, and giving it what it needs. And even if you miss a workout, be PROUD that you got back up the next day and did it again.
7. When you think of it, do it.
If you think, I should sit to read now, or walk now... go. Schedule that time in for you. You are important and valuable, and deserve this time and committment to you.
8. Enjoy it.
There will be hard days, but if you are prepared for them, you will succeed. And those hard days are the ones where when you complete your workout, you will be SO proud of yourself, and you grow!
9. If you're doing 75 hard, get the app.
It will be the best $6 ish you ever spend. It tracks all your photos and notes and everything right in it, and it's so great to watch yourself check off those days. You will be able to look back and see your breakthroughs. I am SO grateful I got it!
10. Use community. Connect with an accountability friend!
If you're feeling like you're having a hard day and don't want to do what your planned workout is, reach out to a trusted friend. We all feel that way, and community and connection is huge. We're all in this together!!
11. Have snacks ready.
When we are prepared, we can eat better food. I love having little tubs of hummus, and veggies that I cut up - ready to go when I feel like I need a quick snack. Things like boiled eggs in the fridge, or oranges and almonds are some of my go-to's for when I feel snacky.
12. Prepare more food.
When I cook dinner, I make a massive sheet pan of roasted vegetables. I then can have them with my breakfast with a fried egg on top, or for lunch in a power bowl. I helps to prepare more in advance, and then to have it ready on hand. Just tonight we made a ton of shredded chicken in the slow cooker that will be good for wraps, or salads.
13. Use tools that will support your body.
I leaned on my Essential Oils a lot when I was doing 75 hard. I used Deep Relief, and Panaway when I was achy after workouts. I used RC or Peppermint on my chest when I was on the Peloton bike, or when I was doing my workouts to help me breathe better. I used my diffuser in my workout space, with EnRGee oil and Lime in it, which is super uplifting and energizing. I also drank my Ningxia Red antioxidant drink every day, and took my supplements. Supporting your body, as you're creating new habits, and completing a challenge like this is KEY! I can only speak to the quality and efficacy of Young Living Essential Oils, as they are the only ones I've used for the past 8 years.
14. Sleep.
Make sure that you get enough rest to ensure that your body is able to fully rest and recover after all of the exercise and walking you are doing. Sleep is critical in achieving your goals.
The thing that I got from 75 hard that I was not anticipating, was a desire to get outside and move every day. Habits that truly stuck. I fill up my water bottle first thing every day, have stuck to my diet I was following, and so many of the other things that I completed for the 75 days in this challenge. I loved the shift in my mindset, and the belief as I was completing it, that I can indeed, do anything I set my mind to. One moment, when I was walking in -30 degrees in a wind and snow storm, after falling and almost getting really hurt, I had the overwhelming feeling of I can do anything! That day proved it! I learned to trust myself that I would show up for me!! I developed better time management habits. And so much more! What a gift that challenge was!! I'm so grateful.
If you're thinking of 75 hard or working to develop other habits that stick... reach out if you have any questions. I'm happy to help if you're wondering about any of these tips, Young Living oils or other products that can support you in your journey. Know that I am cheering for each and every one of you!! Let's do this!
If you want to hear more about my 75 hard journey, you can find it on our podcast - Dandelion Dynamic - Episode 22. Linked on the home page of this site.
To learn more about the Essential Oils I use, and how they have impacted our lives in many ways... you can click right here.
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