Personal Favourites

essential oils habits young living Jan 22, 2024

I'm often asked, 'What are your favourite oils & products Niki?' 
And while that's like asking which child is your favourite... I thought I'd break it down here.  Maybe my top 10 oils and products from Young Living.  As a member for close to 9 years now, these oils and products have done so much for our family, and there's so many I can't imagine not having in my life.

Here's the list!
1. Number one, and the one thing I recommend the most is the Premium Starter bundle.  It's got 11 of the most popular and versatile oils in it, and it comes with a diffuser.  It's by far, the best way to get started. It gives you a great assortment of oils that can be used for most things.  It's the best value too, and like saving 45% on everything it comes with, which includes a diffuser, all kinds of goodies like a roller ball and dram bottles, a couple packages of Ningxia Red, and ELEVEN bottles of essential oil! Here's a bit about each:

THIEVES - the healthy-keeper. It helps kill airborne yuckies, boosts immunity, makes our digestive systems work at their best, and is just the greatest.

PURIFICATION - gets rid of bad odors and airborne junk. Feels amazing rubbed on the outside of your throat. I love it in our laundry and to repel bugs. 

COPAIBA - supports body’s response to injury/irritation, is a driving oil (enhances other oils!), regulates natural immune responses, can be soothing, promotes youthful appearance from the inside out.

FRANKINCENSE - Incredible for my skin and immune system, eases occasional and minor tension/anxiety, promotes feelings of calmness and balance (Was given to baby Jesus as a gift).

RC - contains 3 different kids of eucalyptus which have naturally occurring eucalyptol (really good stuff), inspires and uplifts before working out, etc.

DIGIZE - supports a super healthy digestive system, alleviates nausea and upset/sour stomach, great for occasional irregularity, relief from occasional heartburn.

LEMON - naturally highlights hair, maintains energy levels, helps oily skin, calluses, cellulite, detoxing your body. The works!

PEPPERMINT - helps me enjoy springtime outdoors, Soothes occasional head discomfort, supports digestive system, promotes proper nasal and respiratory function! Love.

PANAWAY - so many types of relief. Helps with occasional head discomfort, everyday joint and muscle soreness, and that time o' month cramp suckiness.

LAVENDER - "the Swiss Army knife of essential oils." We use it for enjoying the springtime outdoors. great for relaxation, sleepy cream, a calm environment for kids, and dry/chapped/irritated skin.

NORTHERN LIGHTS BLACK SPRUCE - Grown in British Columbia and often called the 'Frankincense of North America.' It's grounding and calming and smells amazing!

The kit holds so much value, that it is something that I would buy 1000 times again.  We use all of those oils daily.  So... it's kind of 11 favourites in one... but it's that good!!

2. Deep Relief.
Deep Relief was the first oil I bought after my kit, and I have probably bought it every month or two since forever.  We have it everywhere, and use it for everything achy. Everything. Headaches, back, neck, sore ankles everything.  It's minty and fresh and I love it so much. I have it with me always.

3. Release.
If you're ever on my social media, you will see me talking about Release probably weekly. It's one of the most powerful emotional support oils we have. I put it over my liver every day. And over my heart if it's feeling heavy, over my head and shoulders if I'm holding a lot of tension.  It's a powerful one.

4. Ningxia Red.  
This powerful whole body nutrition infusion we will never be without! It combines Ningxia red wolf berry puree, super fruit juices, and essential oils and more!  There are clinical studies that show an increase in energy, better sleep and cognitive ability, physical function, and immune health.  Plus... it's absolutely delicious!!

5. Thieves Cleaner. (and the entire Thieves line - truthfully)
Thieves cleaner is a powerful plant and mineral based cleaner concentrate that can be used on any surface of your home. Bonus... it smells like Christmas!  Based on the Thieves essential oil blend, thieves cleaner eliminates the need for a sink filled with different cleaners. One bottle does it all.

6. Helichrysum.
This one is so powerful, and until you see it work, it's hard to believe. Often called 'stitches in a bottle' this little bottle packs a punch. It's Andy's favourite oil I think. We use it for any cuts. It's also a Natural Health Product registered to help with acne or exam.

7. Valor!!
This one should be higher on the list. It comes in a 5 ml bottle and a roller, and is an empowering blend of Black Spruce, Geranium, Frankincense and Blue Tansy.  It helps to increase feelings of strength, courage and self esteem.  It's the most beautiful smelling oil, and when I take a deep breath, I can instantly feel my shoulders drop.

8. The Feelings Collection!
The feelings collection combines many emotional support favourites. (did you know oils can be used for emotions?  I have leaned heavily on them these past few years!). The feelings kit includes Valor and Release (two of my favourites above) plus Harmony, Inner Child, Forgiveness, and Present Time. It can be used in a protocol to help release stuck emotion and can provide the foundation for forgiveness, and becoming more self aware. I love this collection so much!!

9. Sulfurzyme.
This supplement combines wolf berries and MSM a natural form or dietary sulfur. It receives joint pain associated with osteoarthritis, as well as offering antioxidants for protecting cells against free radicals.  IT's great for your joints, you hair, skin and nails.

10. Super B.
The little powerhouse supplement, is a multivitamin and multimineral complex that has all 8 essential B vitamins.  IT helps maintain energy levels, and boost immune system and prevent against oxidative stress.

And there's more!!  There's so many favourites.
Favourite smell - maybe of all time... Live Your Passion oil
Add to the diffuser always - Lime
Happy smelling oil - Orange
Calming, grounding, and smells like magic - Believe! (and White Angelica!)
Uplifting - JOY!
Grounding - Any of the tree oils
Hormone support - Endoflex & Progessence Plus.

There's so many! And I'm an open book. Reach out to my any time... and I am so happy to help you find a solution for anything that you need.

Going to go use all my favourites now!  See you next week!


To learn more about the Essential Oils I use, and how they have impacted our lives in many ways... you can click right here.  

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